Concha Osácar

Concha is Member of the Council of the Economy of the Holy See, Trustee of the ICO Foundation (Official Credit Institute), a member of the Advisory Board of Think Tank Institución Futuro, a member of the Editorial Board of the Vocento Group, a member of the Governing Board of APD (Association of the management progress) and Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chatered Surveyors.

Previously, Concha was Vice President and CEO of Santander Central Hispano Activos Inmobiliarios and President of Banif Inmobiliaria S.A. as well as President of INVERCO (Association of Collective investment institutions and Pension Funds) and a Board Member of Caja Navarra.

Concha has a degree in law from Universidad Autonoma Madrid, an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa and a PDG IESE from Universidad de Navarra.